Activate Your Power Within
Woman presents webinar series on overcoming addictive behaviors.


Activate Your Power Within – Freedom From Addictive Behaviors Education Series was a 2 week telesummit I helped design and produce. This was my first involvement with webinars and live events and was quite a learning experience. I learned a lot and enjoyed all of it. I look forward to working with Marinna on her future events.

While the event itself is over, Marinna is still doing interviews every few weeks. She offers a few different packages that you may purchase to get copies of past interviews. Her live interviews are free by opting in to her email list and as a bonus, you get her free ebook.

Back to the design, lighthouse and water were her main elements. She sent me a photo that I was able to use in her header. To strengthen her brand, we are using the same header photo, with a slightly different look, across her sites. I love the combination of purple and orange. Purple is empowering and a color of spiritual fulfillment, it went perfectly with the theme of the telesummit! There is more to choosing colors for a website than just picking something you like. I put time into selecting colors that complement the theme and use of your site. Color plays a big role in emotions and prompting actions.

We first implemented Mailchimp as the newsletter provider and have since moved over to Aweber. InstantTeleseminar is used to host the webinars and are integrated into our own page so that listeners can participate while being on her website.

I look forward to doing more webinars and teleseminars and learning more about the behind the scenes processes involved in producing them.



Weekly Tips for Website Owners!